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planqc to build 1,000-Qubit Neutral-Atom Quantum Computer in €20 Million Government-Funded Project for Leibniz Supercomputing Centre

planqc has been selected to lead a €20 million project to build and deploy a 1,000-qubit quantum computer at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) in Garching near Munich. This advanced quantum computer, based on neutral atoms, will be integrated into LRZ’s high-performance computing (HPC) infrastructure, serving as an accelerator for scientific research and towards industrial … Weiterlesen

planqc raises 50 million Euro series A

gate-startup Planqc erhält 50 Millionen Euro

planqc raises 50 million Euro series A gate-Startup planqc raises 50 million Euro series A. This substantial Series A investment is led by the European Family Office CATRON Holding and the DeepTech & Climate Fonds (DTCF). Additional financial support is provided by Bayern Kapital, the Max-Planck Foundation, further private investors, existing investors UVC and Speedinvest … Weiterlesen

planqc wins contract to improve material simulations using quantum algorithms

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) has selected gate-startup planqc, d-fine and Molecular Quantum Solutions (MQS), to jointly advance the development of algorithms for atomistic simulations in the field of statics and dynamics of water and hydrogen in the project ‚QuantiCoM H2Q‘. For planqc, this is already the third order from DLR, after winning an international … Weiterlesen

Quantumaniacs: Der Hype um Quantencomputer

Quantencomputer – eine Bezeichnung, die einem Science-Fiction-Roman entsprungen sein könnte. Sie sollen Krankheiten und das Wetter vorhersagen und theoretisch in der Lage sein, den Urknall zu simulieren. Doch was hat es mit dem Hype um die Supercomputer der Zukunft auf sich, und wie funktioniert die Technologie? Googles Quantencomputer Sycamore soll eine Rechenaufgabe in 3 Minuten … Weiterlesen